First, you place an order for our products.
We contact you and clarify all the details: product characteristics, production time, delivery cost, payment method.
After confirming your order, you will need to pay for it. You can pay in the office by card or cash, or remotely by bank transfer or card via a bank link.
Company name: BoHome Trading Ltd.
Reg. number: MS22932
Company address: Sht. Cengiz Ratip Cad Karaağaç No: 40 Esentepe
Telefon: +90 533 8764601

Account and bank details:

Bank name:  TURKEY IS BANK
IS BANK Branch address: Bedrettin Demirel Cad. No: 29, Mersin, Turkey
IBAN Number for the accounts:
 EUR account: TR22 0006 4000 0026 8108 8676 23
 USD account: TR33 0006 4000 0026 8108 8676 19
 GBR account: TR05 0006 4000 0026 8108 8676 38
 TRY account: TR91 0006 4000 0016 8100 6121 71