Home Staging
Home staging is the process of preparing and decorating a villa or apartment for sale or rent.
The goal of home staging is to present the property as attractively as possible to buyers or tenants and increase its sales or rental potential. This is a service for creating sought-after and harmonious interiors that will show potential buyers the most attractive sides and make them feel how pleasant, cozy and comfortable it will be for them to live in this house. The main emphasis is on the psychology of the buyer, on his perception. This is about the visual picture, about light, color and so on. The goal is not just to interest the buyer, but to make him fall in love with a specific object so that he dreams and wants to buy it.
As a result, a house or apartment presented through home staging will help solve three problems:
 • attract buyers or tenants faster
 • have a greater price potential - will help sell / rent out the property at the maximum price.
 • differentiate your offer from the mass of similar ones, adding uniqueness to your product.

There are a large number of ready-made apartments of the same type on the island, new ones are being introduced and rented out, even more are being built and designed... It’s not easy for a buyer to identify and remember them, to make a choice, and it’s also not easy for a realtor and investor to stand out in the general flow of offers.

Often you don’t need a large budget - work with the property is limited to competent zoning and decorating the space, emphasizing the advantages of the apartment. It is enough to rearrange the furniture, add additional light, decorate the room, buy textiles - pillows, bedspreads, add a couple of designer products to the interior - panels, mirrors or paintings for comfort, fruits, flowers and accessories - and it looks like a dream home. After home staging, it is easier for the buyer to look at the property as their future home and imagine themselves in it.
As you know, people buy not just things, but a lifestyle, a dream, an emotion, a mood, especially when it comes to buying real estate.